Dr. Greg Erexson, PhD, DABT, FATS, FRSB, ERT
Greg Erexson Toxicology Consulting, LLC
AbbVie Retiree

Greg Erexson
Forty years of experience in science (E.G.: immunology, microbiology, genetic toxicology, risk assessment, medical devices and combination products, extraneous matter, occupational toxicology, impurities, excipients, residual solvents, etc.)
With Abbott/AbbVie since May 2012
Education/Experience: I have a B.S. in Biology from UNC-Chapel Hill, NC; a Masters in Toxicology and Ph.D. in Comparative Biomedical Sciences from N.C. State University, Raleigh, NC. Prior to joining AbbVie, I was a Regulatory Toxicologist at Baxter, Round Lake, IL, a Manager in Study Direction at Covance, Vienna, VA and a Toxicologist at NIEHS-NTP, RTP, NC working primarily in genetic and general toxicology as well as risk assessment”.
DABT 1999 to present; ATS 2015 to present; FRSB 2015 to present; ERT 2015-present