The assessment of extractables and leachables is a critical step in the biopharmaceutical development process. The interactions between pharmaceutical products and drug delivery systems, bioprocess manufacturing systems, and container closing systems are of special concern for regulatory bodies. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully examine the migration of mobile molecules from the materials and components utilized in the production and storage of pharmaceuticals.
We organize a virtual conference to facilitate discussion on the most recent analytical techniques, regulatory updates, risk-based E&L programs, chemical characterization and toxicological risk assessment among scientists, toxicologists and E&L managers. We also cover ISO 10993-18, medical device materials, analytical and safety thresholds and customized systems for different product types.
Participate in our event to learn about the latest methods for testing and analyzing extractables and leachables. This can help you significantly reduce the risks associated with E&L while also assuring patient safety and product quality.